Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Funny Life Experience: LET’S GO HOME


It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon.  You know, the kind of afternoon that shouts to every man, “Let’s go shopping for furniture.”  My wife said we needed a new chair, an ottoman and a painting for the family room and would like to have me there to help pick them out.  My powers of decorative selection are known far and wide, I guess.

I reluctantly agreed but pointed out that my bad back precluded any heavy lifting.  We would have to get their employees to carry whatever furniture we bought, to our van. Carol agreed saying that the last thing she wanted was me moaning and groaning from back pain.

After an hour or three looking we had the items selected and paid for.  All that remained for us to do was to get them to the van, then home where our three grown sons could take over.

When I explained my medical incapacity to the sales person she said that the men who did the heavy lifting were out on a delivery and wouldn't be back for quite a while.  At this point my misguided masculine pride took over and I heard myself saying something like, “I can handle this stuff. It isn't that heavy. ” “Michael, (she always calls me Michael when she goes for emphasis) you will not touch that furniture.  I do not want you flat on your back writhing in pain for two months” “But who's going to carry it if I don’t?” I asked. “We will,” she said, pointing to two attractive, well dressed young sales women.

With that Carol and her squad of power lifters went to work hoisting and carrying the chair, ottoman and huge picture while I, her 6' 3" 200 pound husband, stood watching. We left the store with Carol and her high heeled helpers carrying the furniture while I tagged along behind them looking sheepishly at the six million other shoppers all of whom just happened to be looking directly at me.  It was difficult, but I resisted the overwhelming temptation to explain why I was carrying nothing but my wife's purse. “Let’s go home.”

Just seeing humour in a situation is almost as effective as the laughter it  evokes.

Always take the comic view of life.

Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods. 


Mike Moore is a popular motivational speaker who writes and speaks on Humour, Attitude and Human Potential. This is an excerpt from his Book “Light Up with Laughter” (The Humour and Health Connection) A book you’ve got to get to make the rest of your life the best of your life.

Drop by my store and say hello.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Four Thoughts About Humour and Laughter

1. " There ain't much fun in medicine, but there's a lot of medicine in fun." Josh Billings ( 19th Century humourist

2. "You begin to solve your problems when you start to see the humour in them." Anon

3. "Humour makes bad things better and good things better still." Anon

4. "If you're not allowed to laugh in heaven I don't want to go there" Martin Luther

Light Up With Laughter

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Light Up With Laughter...A Moving Experience?

True Story.

After one of my talks a man came up to me and said," I bought your book " Light Up With

Laughter" the last time I heard you speak and now I keep it in the bathroom and read it often.

" Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he added, " I really find it moves me."

 I started to laugh and said," Well , if you're going to be moved that's the place you want it to happen."


Check out my Humor Survival Kit

Monday, February 22, 2016

Nice Things Often Happen When Least Expected

It was a Sunday just 15 minutes before nine a.m. Mass. Carol and I had just finished parking the car when we saw a middle aged woman approaching with a huge smile on her face. I asked Carol if she knew who it was and she said no. I didn't either.

When she got to the car she stopped and tapped on the window. When I rolled it down she said, " Hi. You don't know me but I recognized you from the photo on the back of your book," Light Up With Laughter" I just had to come over and tell you how much I enjoyed it and say thanks for providing me with a few hours of laughter and joy.

I smiled and thanked her for taking the time to come over and talk to me and that I was so glad she enjoyed my book.

She went on her way and I have never seen her since.

One affirming remark, accompanied by a genuine smile really made my day for I walked 2 feet off the ground for hours.

For the next 48 hours you can get a digital copy of Light Up With Laughter for a donation to the cause. You pick the price you want to pay.