Saturday, November 05, 2011

A review of my popular book Embracing the Mystery ( now on Kindle)

This type of review makes an author feel fantastic. Thought I would share it with you. Mike

This is a little jewel of a book, which contains a wealth of inspiration for living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life. Moore provides tips for reducing stress, improving self-esteem, banishing fear, nurturing patience, and more. But more than that, he help us get back in touch with the sense of joy and wonder that so often gets buried under the busyness of daily life. The author is also a cartoonist and his casual writing style is enhanced by a generous dose of appropriate cartoons, which never fail to bring a smile to my lips, no matter how glum I'm feeling. This is one of those books to which I return whenever I feel like I need help becoming a better person.

Check it out here.

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