Friday, June 10, 2011

Mr. Moore, Do You Remember Telling the Story About Josephine?

Why Telling Stories is a Must For Teachers, Speakers and Parents

I once met a former student I hadn't seen since his senior year in High School. After we made the usual comments about how nice it was to see one another he looked at me and said, " Mr. Moore, do you remember telling us the story about Josephine?" I replied, " Yes I do. Don't tell me you remember that story after all these years?" He then proceeded to tell me the entire story in detail. I couldn't believe it.

I'm sure he couldn't tell me anything about the academic content I covered in his senior year, but he recalled every detail of that story. It was amaziing.

Note: The story was used to get my students discussing a relevant issue within society...Racism.

My belief in the power of story to promote attenion and retention was validated then and continues to be in my contact with audiences throughout North America.

If you want to teach a lesson that will be recalled long after you are gone, tell a story.

For more on the Art of Storytelling plus a free copy of my 30 Life Lesson Stories CLICK HERE

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